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I am Veronika Paál, a senior data analyst, with 7 years of experience with an engineering background. I have started the IT and Analytics Community with the aim to help people in their career change and also to educate experts from other fields who would like to understand the IT roles a bit better, like HR, recruiters and managers.

I am organizing meetups and workshops in various topics from the data and the IT field as well. To achieve that, I am also inviting guest speakers from different fields who are sharing their experience with us, as nobody can be an expert in everything.

I am also offering consultation and mentoring. If you prefer to have a dedicated time-slot for yourself or if you need help figuring out which way to go or what learning plan to choose, I am more than happy to support you.

If you are an expert from another field and you would like to get some introduction to the IT or Analytics fields, roles, how to find motivated experts for your team, don’t hesitate to contact me, I can give you a sneak-peak into the minds of IT people

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My Story

I was born in a small town in Hungary, I moved to Budapest when I was 15 years old. In my whole life, I always knew that I am good at math and I loved working with numbers. However, when I was in high-school, there hasn’t been any bachelor studies yet for data analytics in my home country. I wasn’t interested in finance back then and I thought I am not good at IT (thanks to our terrible IT education system) so I chose engineering. I became a bioengineer and I also finished my masters in the field of process controlling. It should have been a red flag all along that I only loved those subsects at university which everyone else hated, like statistics, modelling, programming etc. but it was only at the end of my studies, when I realized that I am in the wrong place and I figured out that I want to be a data analyst.

My studies were over, I needed a job to survive, so I became an IT consultant at a Hungarian Startup and started studying from online courses. I had a strong background, knew the basics already, so I started learning Tableau and at the meantime I was trying to land a job in the field. Unfortunately, at that time, all the analyst positions required a background in IT or finance, I had none of them so it wasn’t easy to get through the initial filtering process (of course, today it would be much easier, I learned a lot of tricks during the years I could have used back then, but I was young without any experience in recruitment). I kept learning, I learned the basics of SQL and Python and after dozens of rejections, I got a data analyst position at Tesco.


This role turned out to be a great opportunity for me, because my manager and his manager as well left the team not long after I joined and I was the only one who had some knowledge in Tableau so I quickly become quite good at it as I was the Tableau go-to person. Then came another lucky structural change and thanks to that, the team needed someone who can work with the database. So, this was my chance to deepen my knowledge in big data and SQL. Then I relocated to Prague (in the middle of Covid of course), as TESCO has an office here, I was able to do it quite easily.


After about 2 years at TESCO, I felt like it is time for a new challenge, and I started working for IDC as a market research analyst. It is completely different from what I have done before, it requires a totally different mindset and even better speaking and storytelling skills. It has widened my perspective significantly and thanks to this role, I realized that I am not as bad as presenting as I thought and I also realized that I have so much experience already what I can share with others.


However, I love IDC, one thing was missing from my life and that is helping people. This is why I have become a part-time freelancer and started this community, because I want to give back to the world. We had our first event in October 2023, and we had 3 more until the end of the year. For 2024, my goal is to have an event approximately every second week.


If you have any questions or feedback about our events, consultations or anything else, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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